The Path

Tobias Wiemann

20.07.2023. 20:30
Ilidza Open Air


Germany, Spain

Main cast
Julius Weckauf, Nonna Cardoner, Volker Bruch, David Bredin

Denis Samardzic

The Path tells the story of an adventurous escape across the Pyrenees and of an unexpected friendship between two children who, at first glance, could hardly be more different. 1940: Rolf (12) has fled Berlin with his father Ludwig to escape the Nazis. All he was able to take with him from Germany was his lively terrier Adi and a signed book by Erich Kästner. Now father and son are stranded in the south of France. Their destination is New York, where Rolf's mother has been waiting for them for far too long. The only way to freedom is via a steep path in the Pyrenees. At the border to Spain they meet their "smuggler": Nuria, a shepherd girl, hardly older than Rolf. But when Rolf's father is arrested on the path, Rolf and Nuria are on their own. For the city boy Rolf and the country girl Nuria, a dangerous journey into the unknown begins, once across the Pyrenees to Foix. A journey on which they will learn from each other after they have begun to trust each other. In the end, the two become friends for life.


"The Path" je priča o avanturističkom bjekstvu preko Pirineja i o neočekivanom prijateljstvu između dvoje djece koja na prvi pogled teško da mogu biti različitija. 1940 - Rolf (12) je pobegao iz Berlina sa svojim ocem Ludvigom kako bi pobjegao od nacista. Sve što je mogao ponijeti sa sobom iz Njemačke bio je njegov živahni terijer Adi i potpisana knjiga Ericha Kästnera. Otac i sin ostaju nasukani na jugu Francuske. Njihovo odredište je New York, gdje ih Rolfova majka već predugo čeka. Jedini put do slobode je strmom stazom u Pirinejima. Na granici sa Španijom upoznaju svog "krijumčara": Nuriju, pastirku, jedva stariju od Rolfa. Ali kada Rolfov otac biva uhapšen na putu, Rolf i Nurija su prepušteni sami sebi. Za gradskog dječaka Rolfa i seosku djevojku Nuriju počinje opasno putovanje u nepoznato, preko Pirineja do Foixa. Putovanje na kojem će učiti jedno od drugog nakon što počnu vjerovati jedno u drugo. Na kraju, njih dvoje postaju doživotni prijatelji.