After a two-year hiatus, the Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo is once again embarking on its tour of the region and Europe.

With the aim of presenting Sarajevo as a city of film and festivals, Telemach OFF on Tour will present its program, opportunities for filmmakers and productions at the Giffoni Festival in Skopje, Zagreb and the Roma Film Festival this October.

Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo is the largest film festival for young filmmakers and the festival with the largest and most significant co-production market for young filmmakers in BiH and the region. In addition, Telemach OFF has been continuously offering participation to young people from all over Europe for 5 years through participation in the competition program, co-production of the Telemach OFF Pro market and through the OFF Internship. The importance of the program has been recognized by many faculties of film and festival management from Europe, so this year OFF can boast of 4 internships/practices that were done by students from Groningen, the Netherlands, from the University of Groningen.

As part of this year’s Giffoni Film Festival Skopje, in North Macedonia, OFF will delegate two young actors, Zan Mujkić and Ishak Isović, who will be part of the youth jury, while the representatives of the Festival will hold a lecture and promote OFF and Sarajevo as a film festival as part of the official program. and festival destinations, presenting all the benefits for young filmmakers, productions and Sarajevo as a filming location.

After the end of the festival in Skopje, OFF will continue its tour in Zagreb, where at Vern University, it will hold a presentation of Telemach OFF and all the opportunities for young authors as part of the Festival, but also of Sarajevo as a destination, and the same concept of presenting the festival and Sarajevo will follow in Rome at the end of the month.

By the way, OFF will open public calls and applications for submission of films for the competition program in December, and at the beginning of next year, calls for internships and applications for projects under development for the OFF Pro co-production market program.

All activities are carried out under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, which supported this program through intervention funds and financed travel expenses.