Run, Hide, Fight

Kyle Rankin

USA / 109 min

Director: Kyle Rankin

Producer: Dallas Sonnier, Amanda Presmyk

Scenario: Kyle Rankin

Cast: Thomas Jane, Radha Mitchell, Isabel May

DOP: Darin Moran

Editor: Matthew Lorentz

Synopsis: Zoe Hull, 17, has some unresolved issues. She’s not coping well with the recent death of her mother, sometimes chatting with her mom as if she’s still there. She resents her ex-military father for his seeming lack of emotion, but wears his army jacket every day like armour. Her best friend Lewis just asked her to prom, wanting their relationship to become something more than she can handle. All Zoe wants is to get through the last few weeks of her senior year and leave – off to college and a fresh start. Instead, her high school is attacked by four nihilistic, gun-toting students, who plan to make their siege the worst school shooting in history. The killers quickly gain control and round up survivors at gunpoint – turning an active shooting into a hostage situation and keeping police at bay. The ringleader, Tristan, captures the events via internet livestream, gaining the worldwide fame he craves. Using the skills her dad taught her, Zoe manages to escape, but risks her life to go back inside. With no plan and running on instinct, she saves who she can, until realising she may be uniquely prepared not just to help others run and hide, but to face down the shooters and fight.

Zoe Hull (17) ima nekoliko neriješenih problema. Ne zna se nositi s nedavnom majčinom smrću, ponekad razgovara s mamom kao da je još uvijek tu. Ona zamjera ocu, bivšem vojniku,  zbog nedostatka emocija, ali svakodnevno nosi njegovu vojničku jaknu poput oklopa. Njezin najbolji prijatelj Lewis ju je pozvao za maturalnu večer, želeći da njihova veza postane nešto više nego što ona može podnijeti. Sve što Zoe želi je prebroditi posljednjih nekoliko sedmica svoje zadnje srednjoškolske godine i krenuti na fakultet s novim početkom. Umjesto toga, njezinu srednju školu napadaju četvorica nihilističkih naoružanih učenika, koji planiraju da njihov napad bude najgora školska pucnjava u historiji. Ubice brzo steknu kontrolu pretvarajući aktivno pucanje u situaciju s taocima i držeći policiju na odstojanju. Kolovođa Tristan bilježi događaje putem prijenosa uživo, stičući svjetsku slavu za kojom žudi. Koristeći vještine koje ju je naučio otac, Zoe uspijeva pobjeći, ali riskira svoj život da se vrati ponovno unutra. Bez plana i reagirajući intuitivno, ona spašava koga može, dok ne shvati da je možda jedinstveno pripremljena ne samo da pomogne drugima da pobjegnu i sakriju se, već da se suoči sa strijelcima i bori.