As part of the award ceremony, the film “Summer in the Golden Valley” from the OFF Retrospective selection will also be shown.

The 16th Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo is coming to its finale. Tomorrow evening at 8 PM, after the red carpet, awards will be given for the best films in the categories “OFF Generation Features” and “OFF Generation Shorts” as well as “OFF Shorts” at the festival location – Raiffeisen Vils Open Air, the cinema near the Museum. In addition to awards for the best films, the Festival will also present special awards to actors Denis Murić and Zachary Shadrin.

After the award ceremony, there will be a screening of the film “Summer in the Golden Valley” from the OFF Retrospective selection, while at 8:30 PM at the Poli Open Air location, Pjer Žalica’s film “Fire is Burning” from the OFF Retrospective selection will also be shown. At the festival location Raiffeisen Vils Open Air, at 10:30 PM, the Festival will offer a free concert by Darko Rundek to all visitors, with the Sarajevo band Shizif performing before Rundek.

This year’s Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo has so far brought together hundreds of film professionals, showcased over 60 films from 17 countries, and awarded prizes as part of the OFF Pro Film Market.