By the decision of the Ministry of Transport of KS, during the OFF in the city center, there will be changes in the traffic regime, which may lead to congestion and delays.

On July 19, 2024, in Kulovića Street, there will be a complete traffic suspension from 6 PM to 1 AM. On the same day, in Zelenih Beretki Street, from Hotel Europe to the junction with Ćemaluša Street, from 6 PM to 2 AM, there will be a complete traffic suspension due to the opening concert.

From July 20-26, every day from 7 PM to 2 AM, there will be a complete traffic suspension and parking ban for all motor vehicles, except emergency and festival vehicles, in Zelenih Beretki Street from the intersection with Despićeva Street to the intersection with Ćemaluša Street.

By the decision of the Sarajevo Canton Government, Caffe Bars and Pubs along with Festival locations are allowed to operate until 2 AM during the Festival. The Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo continuously collaborates on the organization of the Festival in coordination with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of KS, which have been dedicated and actively ensuring the Festival’s security for many years. The Festival management is extremely grateful to them, as well as to the relevant minister and leading structures of the Police Administration and all police officers. The Festival also expresses great gratitude to the Ministry of Public Utilities of KS, KJKP Rad, and KJKP Park for maintaining the festival locations clean and helping with the realization of the OFF Goes Green campaign.

This year’s Telemach OFF lasts for eight days and will host the largest number of accredited guests so far. Up to 25,000 visitors are expected at the festival locations and accompanying events. The festival management asks the citizens of the Sarajevo Canton for understanding during the preparation and realization of the Festival, especially due to possible traffic congestion in the city center.