
Lukas Dhont

18.07.2023. 21:00
Vils Summer Screen


Belgium, France, Netherlands

Main cast
Eden Dambrine, Gustav de Waele, Emilie Dequenne, Lea Drucker

Dirk Impens, Michiel Dhont

As summer comes to an end, inseparable 13-year-old best friends Leon and Remi decide to spend the rest of their vacation together. Their bond is so strong that it resembles an unbreakable fraternal bond, even beyond their own understanding. However, when their blissful friendship on the first day of school attracts the attention of their classmates, painful comments put Léand Rémi's close relationship to the test. After that, nothing will ever be the same.

Kako se ljeto bliži kraju, nerazdvojni 13-godišnji najbolji prijatelji Leon i Remi odlučuju da ostatak odmora provedu zajedno. Njihova veza je toliko jaka da podsjeća na neraskidivu bratsku povezanost, čak i izvan njihovog vlastitog razumijevanja. Međutim, kada njihovo blaženo prijateljstvo prvog dana škole privuče pažnju njihovih školskih drugova, bolni komentari stavljaju Léovu i Rémijevu blisku vezu pod upitnik. Nakon toga, ništa više neće biti isto.