Blog by Kenan Musić, Festival Director
For quite some time, we’ve been talking about restarting the blog on our website. Somehow, it feels more personal and, to me, honestly more beautiful. And here we are, after nearly a year of persuading myself (and others) to start again—I’m beginning. And I must admit, I’m glad that this first blog comes now, at the end of the year, when we’re reflecting on what’s behind us, but this time with an emphasis on the “green year” we’ve had.
When I say a green year behind us, I don’t mean that we’re still inexperienced, but rather all the amazing initiatives we’ve launched and accomplished to make the Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo more sustainable and a better place for filmmakers and our guests. It’s also about creating a project that, in the long run, has positive effects on our environment.
This year brought us so much. After reducing print and paper consumption by almost 50% in 2022 and setting a condition for suppliers last year to produce promotional materials exclusively from recycled sources, this year, for the first time (and as the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina), we introduced and installed revolutionary TOMRA recycling machines.
To be honest, I was skeptical about whether we could accomplish everything we had planned in such a short period. But thanks to the incredible energy of Malka and Admir from Green Solutions, who represent TOMRA recycling machines, we made it happen!
We provided our visitors with access to these recycling machines, allowing over 20,000 people to recycle and benefit during the eight days of the Festival.
Just a few days ago (on December 11, 2024, to be precise), we met again after the Festival, all together at the KJKP RAD recycling yard in Sarajevo. Admir, Malka, Mrs. Amela from Ekopak. We handed over the collected waste, ready for recycling, and, hopefully, for reuse.

We’ve had an amazing year when it comes to implementing our sustainable Festival policies. I am proud of the entire team that has carried out a series of actions to establish a Festival that cares about the community. Beyond the visible examples, such as increased recycling, the introduction of green oases in the city center, and the reduction of print materials while increasing the use of recycled ones, I am especially glad that we are decisively promoting sustainability at the core of our industry.
As of this year, it has been officially decided that all applicants to the OFF Co-Pro Market must implement green policies during the production of their films as a condition for receiving funding for their projects. Additionally, we’ve taken strong steps to reduce and control CO2 emissions by introducing a digital waste reduction program. We actively promote the use of iCloud and other services that help lower CO2 emissions.
What we are especially proud of is our new policy of full commitment to local suppliers and producers, supporting local development. In 2024, we fully committed to locally-produced food, beverages, materials, equipment, and everything else needed for the Festival, wherever possible. Why? Because by reducing the distance and duration of travel and transport for people and goods, we directly reduced CO2 emissions. At the same time, we are encouraging the growth of local businesses, preparing them for long-term partnerships, and enabling them to plan and expand so that, within three years, they can fully meet our needs without us having to rely on imports from neighboring countries.
Global warming is real. Air pollution and its impact on our health and the environment are real. The deterioration of sustainability due to neglect of local communities and domestic production is real. Green policies and our concern for our health—read: our environment—are completely cool and valid. They have been cool and valid in Western Europe for years across all generations, and now they need to become completely normal and cool for us too. Because the air we breathe, the litter we see on our streets, and our attitude toward the environment are not cool. We will strive to be the ones leading this process of change—for the benefit of us all.
Finally, none of this would be possible without our friends and partners who understand our commitment to green policies. Thank you, TOMRA and Green Solutions. We look forward to the new challenges ahead.
Our commitment to the local community remains a top priority in the coming years, and we will showcase this through a series of actions to be introduced as early as 2025.