Omladinski Film Festival


The audience is the most important segment of every festival, including Telemach of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival. On this page, we provide information and easier navigation for the audience and all guests of the Festival who are not accredited and attend film screenings and programs by withdrawing free or buying tickets. U sekciji Festival.


The complete program of the festival, together with film profiles and the schedule of their screenings, is available at

In addition, on the same link, it is possible to see the schedule of all screenings with details for each screening, which tickets need to be purchased and which need to be downloaded.

Tickets for programs

Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo has free and commercial events in its program. All free screenings can be accessed by downloading free tickets. Depending on the projection, the collection of tickets per person may be limited by the number of tickets. In order to download or buy tickets, you need to register on the festival service portal. Registration can be done when purchasing the first ticket. Tickets can only be picked up online, no later than 10 minutes before the start of the screening, subject to availability, of course.

Outdoor screenings and what if it rains?

Evening screenings of the Festival are held mainly at the festival’s outdoor cinemas – Raiffeisen Vils Open Air Cinema and Poli Open Air. It is necessary to arrive at all screenings no later than 30 minutes early. The seats are not numbered, so the choice of seating is free, except for those places that can be reserved due to the Festival’s protocol. In case of rain, the Festival will move the screening to the cinema halls. In the event that it starts to rain before the screening and it cannot start in the outdoor cinema, the screening will be moved to a closed cinema with a 30-minute delay. In case it starts to rain during the screening, the screening is interrupted and the movie is moved to the cinema hall starting 30 minutes after the interruption and the movie will continue from the moment it was interrupted.


The screenings from Raiffeisen Vils Open Air are moved to the Children’s House, and the screenings from the Poli Open Air cinema are moved to the Youth Theatre. The Festival communicates all information on the Festival’s official website and social networks.

Food, drink, rules for bringing items

At the festival locations, our catering facilities will be available to you with an offer of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, snacks, popcorn and Poli hot dogs. It is not possible to bring your own drinks or food into the controlled festival locations, with the exception of food for children. It is strictly forbidden to bring in all items that can cause injury to yourself or others.

Rules of behavior during the screening

The festival reserves the right to remove from the screening any person who uses a cell phone, talks or in any other way disrupts the screening. it is strictly forbidden to record and reproduce content, as well as to insult, whistle and throw insults at film crews and other participants during the screening. In addition to the festival protocol, members of the Sarajevo police and security are also present at all festival locations, and the Festival will remove anyone who violates house rules and report them to the relevant services. We are at the Festival to enjoy the film and together we should make an effort to make it so.

The best moments of this year's festival

Watch the best moments of this year’s Festival in a series of daily video highlights or some of the best