Anti-Discrimination Politics
As a cultural manifestation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Festival undertakes to respect the Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the human rights charter and UN declarations.

As a cultural manifestation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Festival undertakes to respect the Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the human rights charter and UN declarations.
As a cultural manifestation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Festival undertakes to respect the Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the human rights charter and UN declarations.
Sarajevo Youth Film Festival believes in the importance of a globally connected film and media community that advocates for a diverse, inclusive, equal and fair film industry based on the values of art, film, mutual respect, freedom of speech and progressiveness.
As a cultural manifestation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Festival undertakes to respect the Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the human rights charter and UN declarations.
Sarajevo Youth Film Festival does not tolerate any form of favoritism, offensive language, discrimination, abuse, marginalization or offensive behavior based on gender, ethnicity, religion, origin, skin color, religious beliefs, sexuality, gender identity, socioeconomic class, caste, disability or years.
Youth Film Festival Sarajevo does not accept sexism, racism, colorism, homophobia, biphobia, interphobia and transphobia or hostility, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, fascism, age discrimination, ableism and other and/or intersectional forms of discrimination.
In addition, the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival does not tolerate any acts of violence, abuse or harassment of any verbal, physical, sexual or other nature towards its visitors, guests, partners and employees. In the event of a violation of the Code of Conduct, the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival reserves the right to deny persons the right to access the festival together and at the same time in locations or in online events.
The Sarajevo Youth Film Festival as a socially-engaged social project during the Festival, but in addition to the Festival, during the whole year actively participates in criticising bad social practices, participates in public debates, protests and developing strategies with the aim of preventing all the mentioned forms of violence and crimes that can lead to endangerment of one person or group of people.
Youth Film Festival Sarajevo is a project that firmly stands behind its views and freely comments on all social events with the aim of creating a society where people live freely and safely.