Tomorrow, the 15th Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo will begin with a solemn opening ceremony at the Youth Theatre, and screenings at the open-air cinemas Poli Open Air Gimnazijska, VIls Summer Screen and Ilidža Open Air.
After the end of the screenings, a real musical spectacle begins on the square in front of the National Theater, which will be the icing on the cake for the celebration of 15 years of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival.
The streets of Branilaca Sarajevo, from the junction with Čemaluša street to the junction with Radićeva, and Kulovića street from Obala Kulina Bana to Titova street will be completely closed from 18:45 to 00:00. Entrance for visitors to the square in front of the Theater is open from 20:20 and is completely free.
From the evening of July 18, according to the decision of the Sarajevo Canton Government, all catering establishments in KS can work until two hours after midnight, and the working hours have been extended to all places and establishments that work as part of the Youth Film Festival and in places where festival events are held .
In the four days following the opening, OFF will show 59 films. Tickets are available online at or at the Box office center in front of the Youth Theatre, every day from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Screenings in the Vils Summer Screen and Poli Open Air Gimnazijska open-air cinemas (Safvet Beg-Bašagić elementary school playground) start every night at 9 p.m., while the screenings at Ilidža Open Air start at 8:30 p.m.
During the duration of the Festival, Sarajevo will host many young filmmakers and stars, and Mihajlo Veruović Voyage and Anita Ognjanović stand out, who will receive the award for the best acting tandem at the opening of the Festival. On the third day, Zeno Garton, the director of the film "The Lost Boys" and Khalil Ben Gharibia, the main actor of the same film, are coming to the Festival. There will also be Emina Smajić and Milena Aboyan, from the film "Elaha", and the young Italian actor Matta Carrano, from the series "Prisma" (Amazon Prime), will certainly attract the most attention, who will receive the award for "Best new appearance" at this year’s Festival awards ceremony. ".
Every day during the duration of the Festival, a series of accompanying programs will be held on the theater square, and OFF Talks programs, which bring conversations with special guests of the festival, authors and protagonists of films, should definitely be singled out. OFF Talks starts at 12:00, except for the first edition that OFF realizes with Davcast by Oslobođenje, where the guest will be Mihajlo Veruvoić Voyage and which will start at 11 a.m. in the hall of the Youth Theater. This program is normally held on the square in front of the Youth Theatre, and the talk is on 19.7. will be held in the hall of the Youth Theater.
The last night of the Festival is reserved for the concert of the band "Letu Stuke" on the Summer Stage of Wilson’s Promenade. Entrance is free and open from 9:30 p.m., and the concert will last until after midnight.
The festival will be concluded with an official after party at the Youth Center and the Central Clubbing musical spectacle. Entrance is 10.00 KM.
Entrance to all screenings and events of the Festival is only possible with tickets, regardless of whether the entrance is free or paid, and they can be downloaded and purchased online or at the box office center in front of the Youth Theatre.