Mattia Carrano, 22, starred in the first season of the Amazon series that already has millions of views, "Prism." He is known to the public from the past as a young successful athlete, and already now his future is guaranteed in the world of acting. As the main actor, he portrays two roles (two twin brothers) in the Amazon Italian original series written by Ludovico Bassegat and produced by Cross Productions. "Prism".

"Prisma" is an eight-episode drama for young people and adults built on the complex relationship between identity, aspiration, physical appearance and sexual orientation, among a group of teenagers in Latina, a town near Rome.

The two protagonists are twins Marko and Andrea (both played by Mattia), seemingly identical, but profoundly different in their personalities. Their journey to find themselves was beautiful and turbulent at the same time. The second main character in the series is played by Lorenzo Zurzolo, an Italian actor known throughout Europe for his roles in the Netflix series "Baby".

Carrano will be at OFF for the last three days of the Festival, when he will be presented with an award and where he will mingle with the audience and guests of the Festival. As part of the OFF Talks program, the audience will have the opportunity to talk with Mattia on July 22. at 12 o’clock in the Youth Theater Sarajevo.