600 films were submitted to this year’s competition for the OFF Short selection, of which the 12 best, from eight countries, were selected.
The selected films are:
-Sidetracking, Great Britain, ed. Marco De Rosso
– Rumor, Italy, ed. Roberto Palattella
-Stain, USA, ed. Anna Evtushenko
-In Bed, Austria, ed. Alania Gonzalez
-The Other, Spain, ed. Marc Gázquez
-Caroline on the roof, Luxembourg, ed. Alejandro Bordier
-Against All Odds, Germany, ed. Laurenz Otto
-"17 Rosen für Emma", Germany, directed by Anna Niebert
-Our Shadows, Ukraine, ed. Polly Chesnokova
– Baby. Moon Park, Italy, ed. Alice Ambrogi
– Exam, Croatia, ed. Karlo Gagulić and the film
-Finechy Lane, Great Britain, ed. Marco de Rosso.
It was already announced earlier that the film "Finechy Lane" will open the festival at the Youth Theatre. Harun Ćechović, a young actor from Sarajevo, who recently graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in London, also starred in this film.
Screenings of short films from OFF Shorts will be held in two slots over two days, at the Youth Theatre. After the screenings, the audience will, as always, have the opportunity to talk with the authors of the films.